We all have been given gifts of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). In Acts chapter 8 and in 1 Corinthians chapters 12-14

It's like the gifts are laid under the Christmas tree with our names on them. It is up to each and every one to open them and use them in the way they are meant to be used.

Isaiah 11:2-3 speaks of seven different spirits or gifts: These are important gifts and some of them are similar to but different from the gifts of the Spirit that Paul talks about in the New Testament in I Corinthians chapter twelve. There are nine gifts of the Spirit mentioned by Paul in I Corinthians chapter twelve:

1) Word of Wisdom

2) Word of Knowledge

3) Faith

4) Gifts of Healing

5) Working of Miracles

6) Prophecy

7) Discerning of Spirits

8) Divers (or different) kinds of Tongues

9) Interpretation of (different) Tongues

Romans chapter twelve lists them as well as I Corinthians chapter twelve.

(v 1). There are different kinds of gifts, but the Holy Spirit brings them to each of us (v 4). No two gifts are the same (v 7).

The Gift of Wisdom

The first gift written about here is the gift of wisdom (v 8). Using this gift would be recognizing that our actions today or moment by moment can effect what happens later or tomorrow. When we operate in this gift we find that the things we do often seem to predict the coming of harm or blessing in the future. When we do things now that takes us or others out of harms way or towards blessing in the future we are benefiting from this gift.

The Gift of Knowledge

The next gift of knowledge allows us to know things that we have never learned in any conventional way. When we just know something that we should not know by reason or education then this gift is operating in us. (v 8).

The Gift of Faith

The gift of faith is that very important gift we all have that gives us confidence to believe that Jesus came and died for our sins then resurrected and is living in us today. He lives in us through the Holy Spirit which came to us after he arose into heaven to sit on the throne of God with the Father. It is this gift that helps us use the other gifts. (v 9).

The Gift of Healing

The gift of healing has been a controversial one (v 9). We must remember that this gift comes from God and not us. It can and often does work through us but ultimately it's God's gift to give. Not everyone we pray for will be healed in the way we might want.

The Gift of Miracles

The gift of miracles or demonstrating miraculous powers is another gift of the Spirit that is very controversial (10). For example, Jesus walked on the water and fed 5,000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. We may be used by God in similar ways but I have yet to see God have another human being walk on the water.

The Gift of Prophecy (Speaking)

The gift of prophecy is that of prophetic speaking (v 10). If understood properly this is an important gift in that God can speak through us of things that have not come to pass but will come to pass.

The Gift of Discernment

The gift of distinguishing between spirits is having the gift of discernment. With this gift we can discern between evil and good to the extent that we may make choices in our lives that are most helpful to us and others.

The Gift of Tongues

The gift of tongues is the ability to speak in an unknown or diverse tongues (v 10). Another very controversial and misunderstood gift. When the outpouring of the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, there were many speaking in tongues. This gift is ours to use as all the others are. We must seek these gifts and use them in a deliberate and ambitious way to get the full benefit from them.

The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues

The next gift Paul mentions is the gift of interpretation of tongues (v 10). This gift allows us to interpret the gift of tongues. In this scenario, we or others will speak in unknown tongues and then we or others will interpret what the Holy Spirit has communicated throught the unknown tongues.

The gifts of Faith, Grace, and salvation are equally freely given by God and are important to all humanity as well. Faith, the trust that God is God and able to fulfill Himself in this world for our sake, is given to us all and without asking or seeking as well is Grace which is the unmerited favor of God toward all creation. We are saved by the sacrifice that Jesus made of his own life on the cross. We are drawn by the Holy Spirit into salvation and receive it knowing full well afterward that we have a personal relationship with our God who is Creator-Father/Son/Holy Spirit.

God has given each of us Faith, Grace and Salvation too. Again it is up to us to accept and use God's gifts.


Song - Just Believe

Prayer for Abortions

After by Scharlene Walker

Broken World Broken People by Scharlene Walker

Prayer for Salvation

Prayer for Healing

Daily Prayer

About Gender Identity

Be Not Afraid-Do Not Worry

Don't Ever Give Up by Scharlene Walker

Prayer for those Thinking of Suicide

Now I Lay me Down to Sleep

Lord's Prayer

God's Gifts to Us All

Fruit of the Spirit

A Christian's Prayer for Forgiveness

Inspirational Reflection: Trust God our Creator

An Anointed Prayer by Dr. Cynthia Trimm on Video

Promise to Christians by Muhammad

Is the Devil Real?

About Autism

Nightly Prayer

Bless This Day

About Gender Identity

Prayer for Gender Identity Disorder

Love vs Hate

The Body and the Blood by Scharlene Walker

Is God Omniscient

You Will Hear Me When I Come-Scharlene Walker


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by Gary Revel Ministries